Friday, July 26, 2013

Denver Comic Con 2013!

It's hard to believe that it's already been almost 2 months since DCC. It was a great time. Here's my booth and banner! Next time around, I think I'll cool it on the "Parental Advisory" signs. My book has violence and sexual content and I was trying to warn-off the kiddies and concerned parents. But really it's meant for teens and up... (and parental advisory warnings like this are usually used for books with extra gnarly content).

Printed Preview Book!

Tom (Rasch) and I picked up our printed editions for Denver Comic Con. Mine was a exclusive preview edition featuring just-shy-of half of the 1st issue and several sketch pages, project history, thumbnails, etc...

Tom's is the first full issue of his comic Black Alpha. We've been friends for twenty years and this was a really great night to share. (picking these up together and having them in our hands was really fantastic.)

[This is a crappy photo, unfortunately]